About Us
Melissa Atia
I'm in my 3rd year Bachelors of Psychology and planning on applying to medical school in the future. Working on this project has helped broaden my understanding on ADHD and remove some misconceptions I knew. I also had the opportunity to tell others about what I had learned and helped remove some of their own misconceptions.
Olivia Eisnor
I'm a 3rd-year BSc Psychology Major (potentially doing an Honours in Psychology). I am also currently a Lab Prefect for intro psychology students, which has sparked my interest in getting an Education degree and becoming a psychology teacher. I am involved in this project as part of the Childhood Psychopathology course at Dal! I specifically took an interest in ADHD because of my younger brother who struggles with it on a daily basis, which made me want to educate myself more on the disorder.
Yara Yazbek
I am a 3rd-year BA psychology major with a minor in English. I took Childhood Psychopathology because of my interest in children's mental health and disorders that impact learning in an academic environment. I have many friends and family with ADHD which is partially why I chose to join this group. Once I graduate, I hope to pursue graduate studies in either the field of school psychology or clinical psychology where I can learn to help children struggling with mental health disorders.
Emma Tupper
I am a 3rd-year BSc student majoring in Psychology with a minor in Sociology. After my undergrad, I plan to go to graduate school for speech language pathology potentially followed by a PhD. I wanted to take this course to learn more about the early development of disorders in the DSM-5 and understand how they impact different areas of functioning.
Nathanael Bowley
4th-year Bachelors of Science double major in Psychology and Computer Science. I am very interested in child psychopathology due to its impact on some very close to my own life. TA and Marker for multiple CS courses at Dalhousie University and currently in the process of applying to Masters in Computer Science to work on implementing computer networking solutions to aid hospitals. I hope to apply to medical school after masters and hope to one day aid in research on more advanced robotic limbs and prosthetics. I have many close family members that carry a diagnosis of ADHD so this group was my number one choice!
Enrique Riveroll
I am a 3rd-year Bachelors of Science major in Psychology with an interest in pursuing an Honours in Psychology with a research focus in Personality Psychology. I plan on doing a Masters and Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology in the future. I chose to work on this ADHD group project as part of Dalhousie's childhood psychopathology course as I have a number of close friends who have ADHD and learning more about the disorder through this project has opened my eyes much more to how their brains function, and how they think about and view the world.
Eva Hambly
I'm a 3rd-year Bsc Psychology major with hopes to attend medical school to become a pyschiatrist. I'm very interested in studying psychopathology, both in children and adults! I chose this project because I am an individual with ADHD and I wanted to learn more about this disorder and help spread information about ADHD to others.
Abigail Clarke
I am a third year student at Dalhousie completing a Bachelor of Science and majoring in Psychology. I plan to attend Grad school and get my Masters as well as a PhD or PsyD with a focus in clinical psychology, most likely working with adolescents and young adults. I chose to join this group because I have always had an interest in ADHD and how it affects different people. I hope that one day, when I finish my education, I can continue finding as well as making tools that assist those with ADHD and helping to eradicate negative stigmas that surround the disorder.
Remi Levesque
I am a third year student at Dalhousie completing a BSc with a major in Psychology and a potential minor in Sociology. I eventually hope to become some type of therapist although I am still considering my options. I chose to be a part of the group completing a project on ADHD because growing up one of my close friends, as well as a couple of family members, live with ADHD. This always made me curious to learn more about ADHD.
Rand Shalabi
I am a 4th-year student (Bachelors of Science) majoring in psychology with a minor in political science. After my 3rd year of majoring in neuroscience, I became interested in studying psychopathology, and I had to take one more psychology course to switch to the major I enjoy exploring. That was when I first found out about the childhood psychopathology course, which gave me the opportunity to be part of this project to spread awareness and learn new things along the way.
Blythe Macdougall
I'm a fourth year Bachelor of Arts student majoring in Psychology, with hopes to pursue honours and complete a Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology. I began my first year at Dalhousie as a BSc Kinesiology but my interest quickly changed after just one introductory psychology course! I really enjoy studying psychopathology because it helps me understand the course of disorders and diagnosis, which is what I hope to do in the future as a Clinical Psychologist! I chose ADHD as my resource group because it's a disorder that is commonly overlooked in females and I want to de-stigmatize/bring awareness to this misconception.
Sofiya Zhura
I am a 4th year BSc in Psychology student. I hold a degree in Early Childhood Education and Teaching. I am currently working fulltime as a kindergarten teacher. I work closely with children with special needs. The nature of my work requires me to stay informed about childhood pathology. It is important because a child who is nonverbal needs an entirely different approach to education than a student with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This requires learning how to be flexible in my teaching style while keeping realistic the expectations for students. I am lucky to be part of this group and have learned so much from my fellow peers.
Kailey Fleet
I am a fourth-year BSc Psychology major with a certificate in Disability Management. I chose to focus on ADHD because it is a stigmatized disorder that often goes undiagnosed (especially in females). I have many people in my life with ADHD and I am aware of how differently it can present. I chose the course Childhood Psychopathology as part of my degree because I am passionate about mental health, especially children's. Knowing the signs and being able to help others navigate things they may not be able to articulate themselves is important to me. I see myself working with children and am keen to continue to advocate for and educate people on different disorders, especially ADHD.
This page was created by a group of Dalhousie University students for their PSYO 3129: "Childhood Psychopathology" course.